a dream desk setup

🙋 #problem

I’ve had a couple of desk setups over the years. but all of them had legs. how stupid (😂). lets remove them!

✅ #solution

step1: don’t do any CAD. regret this few months later

step2: have a laser party

step3: find where not to drill

step4: assemble linear rails and attach them to wall with beefy dowels

step5: test finishes. I tried epoxy and matte varnish. both with and without black stain. natural wood with varnish won!

step6: ooooh, that glorious fit around the linear rails!

step7: learn how to weld with MIG

that’s better 🤤

some water-cut parts, some welding, some painting, some money lighter, and I had to rebuild it another time

height adjustable, beefy, cable managed. 🤌